O New York Post publicou no princípio deste ano e em exclusivo segmentos do novo livro de Peter Schweizer “Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win”, que descreve como as elites americanas – incluindo os Senhores do Universo de Silicon Valley – ajudam propositada e entusiasticamente o regime comunista da China no seu último objectivo de supremacia mundial.

Peter Schweizer, presidente do não-partidário Government Accountability Institute (GAI) e autor de outro best-seller, “Clinton Cash and Profiles in Corruption”, expõe a espantosa traição das grandes coorporações tecnológicas, que colocam a privacidade de seus utilizadores e a segurança nacional dos EUA em risco, na tentativa de apaziguar o Partido Comunista Chinês.

O artigo do New York Post destaca alguns dos exemplos mais flagrantes do desavergonhado e criminoso conluio entre as big tech e a China enumerados em “Red-Handed”, incluindo o episódio ridículo e subserviente em que Mark Zuckerberg pede ao ditador Xi Jinping para escolher um nome para o seu filho:


In 2015, the Obama Administration held an official State Dinner at the White House for China’s Xi. The East Room was decorated in peach and pink roses. The crowd included two hundred elite guests from the world of government and business. Among them was Mark Zuckerberg, the young-looking cofounder of Facebook, and his wife, Priscilla, who was seven months pregnant. When Zuckerberg finally got his chance to see the guest of honor face-to-face, he made an unusual request: would the communist dictator give his child his Chinese name?

Xi, understandably surprised by the request, declined, saying it was “too great a responsibility.”


Por seu lado, a Google abriu um centro de pesquisa em inteligência artificial na China em 2017, que incluiu um pequeno grupo de investigadores americanos apoiados por várias centenas de engenheiros chineses. No mesmo ano, a China anunciou seu “plano de desenvolvimento de inteligência artificial”, no qual a empresa delineou como usaria a inteligência artificial para o “grande rejuvenescimento da nação chinesa”. O trecho sobre este assunto citado pelo NYP é arrepiante:


Google’s cooperation with China on AI research occurred the same year that the Chinese Communist Party and government laid out its “artificial intelligence development plan.” A report issued by the Chinese government explains that “AI has become a new focus of international competition,” mastering that technology enhances “comprehensive national power,” and that it would lead to the “great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.”

Beijing has declared that passing the United States in artificial intelligence is a “national priority.” “The work that Google is doing in China is indirectly benefitting the Chinese military,” Marine General James Dunford, then chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told a U.S. Senate committee. Then he corrected himself. “Frankly, ‘indirect’ may not be a full characterization of the way it really is, it is more of a direct benefit to the Chinese military.”


“Red-Handed” também expõe o tórrido caso de amor de Elon Musk com a ditadura comunista do país. Depois de negar que abriria fábricas da Tesla na China, Musk mudou drasticamente de tom.

De acordo com Red-Handed:


Then Beijing rolled out the red carpet: Chinese government–backed banks coughed up $1.6 billion in subsidized loans. And the regulatory red tape to build in China was eliminated by government authorities. “What surprised me is how little time it took for the regulatory process to get approved by the Chinese government,” explained Ivan Su, an analyst at Morningstar Inc. The enormous plant was built in less than a year.

Musk arrived in the country for the groundbreaking ceremony and met with top-ranking officials. Two days later, he was meeting with Vice Premier Li Keqiang in the private compound reserved for high- ranking visitors. “I love China very much and I am willing to come here more,” Musk reportedly told Li. The vice premier offered to make him a permanent resident in the country.


Os globalistas, por definição, têm dupla nacionalidade: a do dinheiro e a do poder. De resto, não conhecem fronteiras. Nem leis morais.